It’s the most wonderful time of the year Family, gifts, traditions, reflection, candles and a roaring fire place or a day at the beach. And what holiday season would complete without salesforce maintenance exams. Wait, what? With everything going on in the silly season that is the holidays don’t forget that Salesforce certification maintenance exams for the spring 18 and summer 18 releases are due no later than December 14, 2018. Make sure that you continue to be recognized as a leading professional within the Salesforce community by completing the exams. Recap What : Salesforce certifications maintenance exams for spring 18 and summer 18 Releases When : December 14, 2018 How : Trailhead and Webassesor Why : If you don’t complete the certification exams by the deadline, your certifications will lapse and you’ll have to resit the tests to be a certified salesforce professional