Lookup relationship fields Salesforce allows the linking of different object data using lookup fields. But how do you determine the right lookup type to use? Let's review the different options. What kind of lookup relationships can I use? Relationships between objects in Salesforce are created though custom field types called Lookups. These field types can be on standard and custom objects and enable linking of record data from one Salesforce object to another object. For example, linking one or more Opportunities to an Account. There there are two (2) lookup field types to choose from: Lookup Master-Detail Both lookup types can can be used to connect Salesforce objects and relate data together to represent 1:Many / hierarchical relationships. Without getting too serious, let’s put some labels on our relationship setup: Related (child / many) record = Many (e.g. opportunity) Lookup (parent / 1) record = 1 (e.g. account) So now that we know the types o...